Monday, April 8, 2013



so, this weekend has been exceptional.
this week though, was not exceptional.

sometimes you get those weeks where it's beautiful outside. 
you have some great times with your friends. 
somehow stress creeps in and consumes your mind at random times.
these random times happen more than they should.

i had that week last week. 
i felt like i could break down at any time. 
i wanted to get away from school, relationships, and work.
i wanted to be home. 
i wanted to be at the beach.
i wanted to be anywhere but provo.

i somehow made it to friday.
i took a test and realized it was friday and i didn't have work. 
things were suddenly better.
saturday morning, i had the opportunity to go to the first session of general conference.
 i love conference so much. literally the best thing.

there were so many things said by the great leaders of the church that i needed to hear:

"we are meant to grow out of our youth; with it comes understanding and truth"
"faith is a power not just an expression"
"the tools of the gospel are meant to help us against what will attack us"
"the words of Christ will tell me all that i need"
"we are daughters of an exalted king"
"what e'er thou art; act well thy part"
"never lose sight of the strength of your womanhood"
"your virtue and chastity are your most important treasure"
"be grateful for righteous men of God who hold the priesthood"
"by His strength, we are able to do that which we could never do alone"

and those were just a FEW from saturday morning. 
today, i watched the rest of conference.
so, take these few points from saturday and multiply it by like roughly 100.
i was so enlightened.
woah, i still am.
i just love being reminded of how much my Heavenly Father loves me
and wants the best for me.
but guess what, He wants that for YOU too.

i just love conference because it always puts me in a good mood
reminds me to slow down a little and remember the things that matter most.


p.s. be on the lookout for another blog post SOON.

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